Strange. God WILLED that His people become EXILES and SLAVES under the ungodly empire of Babylon. (Jer. 29:4) Then He commands them to PRAY. Pray for what? For them to be delivered immediately? No. They are to pray FOR BABYLON! That God will BLESS its people while they remain in it. God’s superior wisdom is never understood without conceding to His higher purposes. It will never look beautiful and appealing to us without recognizing that He is WISE, GOOD and FAITHFUL. All the time.
This is our weakness as a people during this difficult times. We rally, complain and blame authorities who has a greater grasp of the real situation. More so, this also is our major flaw with regards to God’s Sovereign WILL. The heart who only sees personal discomfort remains narrow-minded, selfish and weak. The soul who waits on the Lord will RENEW their STRENGTH. They are like EAGLES who always see the greater view. (Isa.40:31). Even in the most despairing situation.
All earthly events yields to God’s Omnipotence (All Powerful) because of His Omniscience (All Knowing). Not one sparrow falls without His knowledge and permission. (Matt. 10:29).
God’s perfect plan is beyond our situations. Above our predicaments. Higher than our problems. So what are they commanded to do? SURRENDER to God’s perfect will. TRUST that God is accomplishing a greater work and become a BLESSING in times of suffering. God WILL BLESS HIS PEOPLE when they pray for Babylon’s sake and seek its welfare. Even when their own situation is hard. In the Christian’s perspective, the present pandemic is not much about a contagious virus. Nor about global uncertainty . It is about God, who is still reigning supremely on His throne revealing His holiness, wisdom and mercy to a world that live and work as if it has no need of God. But in uncertain times, God’s people find strength in their security, and they are never subdued by misery. God blesses them even then.
May believers see the higher view beyond their discomfort.