EVERY PERSON in the world right now is INFECTED with a catastrophic VIRUS. More destructive and cruel than Covid19. It is terminal and fatal. None can protect themselves from this horrible disease that ruins the whole being.It’s the virus of SIN. This infection brings the plague of DEATH upon us. Not just physical but spiritual. Not just temporal but eternal. All unredeemed humanity is in their “tombs” even as they breathe, buried within the darkness of spiritual ignorance, impotence, and inadequacy.But blessed be our God, there’s an ANTIDOTE! It brings LIFE to the dead spirit and RELIEVES the soul of the symptoms of mortality. The Lord tells us that this life-giving remedy comes from hearing HIS LIVING VOICE. This death-destroying voice of the Savior is heard through the GOSPEL of Christ. To hear about His atoning death and resurrection AWAKENS the soul and IF BELIEVED, regenerates the spirit to an EVERLASTING LIFE.
1 COR. 15:55-57
“O DEATH, where is your victory? O death, where is your STING?” The sting of death is SIN, and the power of sin is the law. BUT THANKS BE TO GOD, WHO GIVES US THE VICTORY THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.”
There is a global desperate dash to find a Coronavirus vaccine today. But this present plague is just a mere symptom of a terrifying CURSE! The world has more to fear than a pandemic and more to worry than economic. The sting of death is real. Its eternal destruction inevitable. However, those who believe are NO LONGER CONDEMNED by this malady (John 3:18). They evidence this salvation through the good works of their lives. They become kingdom frontliners as living proofs. But those who reject HIS VOICE are certainly doomed. They remain under judgment.
Have you been healed already? Will you celebrate your rebirth today? Do you continue to walk in the victorious joy of this new life? Are you contributing to the spread of this Gospel that His Voice may be heard and restore LIFE?