Many were understandably alarmed about yesterday’s news on the high number of new Covid19 positive cases involving the inmates from our City Reformatory Center. But to some of us, what is greatly disturbing is not that many persons deprived of liberty (PDL) were infected, (as everyone knows viral transmissions can spread easily in very confined spaces), but the very notion that it is even possible at all. At least in the case of Zamboanga City Reformatory Center. What do we mean? We remember that ZCRC is the first institution in the city who implemented extreme lockdown since March 20, 2020 when ECQ is just being implemented. Officials promptly and wisely disallowed visitations to isolate both personnel and inmates from epidemic exposure at that very early stage. It has all the trappings of a brilliant move. Fast action. Proactive and pre-emptive. And now this news. Eighteen inmates (and one jail personnel) were confirmed positive while the city mayor warned us to prepare for the worst in the coming days at about the same time. Officials were baffled and scrambling for an explanation. How can this be? We may never know. Episodes like this reveal a REALITY so important that however we recognize it dictates HOW WE VIEW OUR LIFE in the context of countless events that are obviously BEYOND OUR CONTROL. And our PERSPECTIVE will always sway our PERSONAL DIRECTIVE. It forces an eloquent truth in the minds of all: THAT MANY TIMES, OUR BEST EFFORTS WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH. NO MATTER HOW HARD WE TRY. This will either make us better OR bitter. Incapacitated OR liberated. More troubled OR humbled.
There will be times in this life when we face the end of our ropes. We will face a wall. And our best actions simply result in utter frustrations. Our best plans and performance will be IN VAIN. For a Christian mindset, this truth is not always dreadful, but in many ways, is so wonderful. A man who trust fully on his OWN UNDERSTANDING and ABILITY will soon find out that his knowledge and power is INADEQUATE TO CONTROL MYRIADS OF EVENTS IN THIS WORLD. The more he denies this and strive vigorously, the more he fails disastrously. Soon he discovers that he is NOT in full control. He is NEVER sovereign. He is not GOD. That is why in times of adversity, we cannot depend always in our human ability.
The Scripture gives us this advice:
Paul exhorts Timothy to remind those who trust in earthly security:
“As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, NOR TO SET THEIR HOPES ON THE UNCERTAINTY OF RICHES, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.” (1 Timothy 6:17)
“Riches” are everything that sustain, secure and satisfy us in this world. But “uncertain” securities will never be trustworthy. “UNLESS THE LORD BUILDS THE HOUSE, those who build it LABOR IN VAIN. UNLESS THE LORD WATCHES OVER THE CITY, the watchman STAYS AWAKE IN VAIN.” We can construct all we want. We can safeguard our lives all we want. But UNLESS GOD DIRECTS AND GOVERNS our buildings and watchings, futility will always be the consequence. This makes those who trust in the Sovereign God so BLESSED. They have A GREATER POWER behind their efforts as they walk the path ordained by the Omnipotent King of the universe. EVERYTHING HAPPENS ACCORDING TO HIS GOOD AND PERFECT PLAN FOR THOSE WHO ARE CALLED BY HIS NAME. Everything. (Romans 8:28)
The land of Judah was facing a powerful enemy, the Babylonians. God revealed to them how He is judging His stubborn people and tells them AN IMPORTANT COMMAND. That THEY ARE NOT TO DEPEND ON THEIR ABILITIES to face this tribulation, BUT ON THEIR GOD who is absolutely greater.
JEREMIAH 9:23-24
Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, BUT LET HIM WHO BOASTS BOAST IN THIS, THAT HE UNDERSTANDS AND KNOWS ME, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.”
The world is facing a powerful enemy today. It is similar to Babylon, it is powerful and dangerous. But is more terrifying. This pandemic is an enemy that kills and destroy while remaining invisible and seemingly invincible. Powerful and prosperous governments are frustrated and encumbered. People will still try harder to overcome this in the best of their knowledge and intelligence. The world can try brilliant tactics and intelligent strategies to guard against this, but “UNLESS THE LORD WATCHES OVER THE CITY, the watchman STAYS AWAKE IN VAIN.”
PSALM 112:6-8
For THE RIGHTEOUS WILL NEVER BE MOVED; he will be remembered forever. HE IS NOT AFRAID OF BAD NEWS; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord. HIS HEART IS STEADY; HE WILL NOT BE AFRAID, until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.
People of God, let our hearts be steady. God promised to be a faithful BUILDER and WATCHMAN for those who trust Him.