Pastor’s Reflection
April 7, 2020
By Pastor Jay-R Remorosa
When David’s life is in real danger from enemies that threatened his life, and when everything aren’t going very well for him, He reminds himself…
April 5, 2020
By Pastor Jay-R Remorosa
Eagles love the storm. When clouds begin to gather, they are not disappointed. As the strong winds begin to approach, eagles do not run away.…
April 4, 2020
By Pastor Jay-R Remorosa
Strange. God WILLED that His people become EXILES and SLAVES under the ungodly empire of Babylon. (Jer. 29:4) Then He commands them to PRAY. Pray…
April 2, 2020
By Pastor Jay-R Remorosa
Every builder knows this. That the integrity and stability of any structure depends upon the reliability and steadiness of the foundations.
April 1, 2020
By Pastor Jay-R Remorosa
This is God's Word to His people who were EXILED in Babylon.