Pastor’s Reflection
“LABOR DAY”, or sometimes referred to as “May Day”, is an international Workers Day celebrated annually to honor the working class and laborers across the…
We may verbally attribute heroism to many people today who display selfless courage and sacrifice, but the moment we search our hearts deeply we realize…
Many were understandably alarmed about yesterday’s news on the high number of new Covid19 positive cases involving the inmates from our City Reformatory Center. But…
These words of Job bares a man with an impenetrable INNER PEACE that becomes the bedrock of a genuine THANKFUL SPIRIT. That explains why his…
In a time when nations are in panic because our very life is threatened, how can any man in his right mind ever refuse Him…
EVERY PERSON in the world right now is INFECTED with a catastrophic VIRUS. More destructive and cruel than Covid19. It is terminal and fatal. None…